How It Works

Take your first step of "anchoring" by creating a hypertext link to a second web page. These links are called "local" because they reside on the same computer as the working document (they do not have to venture out on the Internet). You will also be shuffling around the parts of your growing web site (do you see how this becomes more than just a "home page"?).

The simplest anchor link is one that opens another HTML file in the same directory/folder as the presently displayed web page. The HTML format for doing this is:

<a href="filename.html">text that responds to link</a>

Think of it as "a" for anchor link and "href" for "hypertext reference".

The filename must be another HTML file. Whatever text occurs after the first > and before the closing </a> symbols will be the "hypertext" that appears underlined and "hyper."

Here's another example, this text, plus the link below, looks like this:

<p>Here's another example, this text, plus the link below, looks like this:<br>
<a href="03_.htm">next</a></p>